
International Symposium on "Future-oriented Libraries" and the 11th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF 2022) to be Held on October 28

As one of the opening activities of the Shanghai Library East, the International Symposium on "Future-Oriented Libraries" will be held in the new building on October 28th, 2022. Taking this opportunity, the 11th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF 2022) will be held in conjunction with this symposium. By then, domestic and foreign professionals in the fields of LIS and architecture will conduct in-depth academic exchanges and discussions around the theme of "future-oriented libraries".

I. Meeting Agenda

The meeting consists of opening and closing ceremonies, keynote speeches, forum session, round table discussion, etc. The agenda is as follows:

October 28
Opening ceremony
Keynote speeches
October 28
Forum session: "Space Construction and Technology Development of New Generation Libraries"
Round table discussion: "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of the Library Building "
Closing ceremony

II. Meeting Guests

More than ten experts and scholars from home and abroad are invited to conduct academic exchanges in this meeting. Barbara LISON, President of IFLA, Yu Qiuyu, President of Shanghai Library Board, and Chen Chao, Director of Shanghai Library, will give keynote speeches to jointly look forward to the future development of the library and share wonderful views.

Invited guests include (in no particular order):

  • Barbara Lison, President of IFLA
  • Yu Qiuyu, President of Shanghai Library Board, China
  • Chen Chao, Director of Shanghai Library, China
  • Wu Jianzhong, Director of the University of Macau Library, China
  • Li Xiangning, Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, China
  • Dane Currey, Principal of UAP’s Asia Studio Team
  • Liu Wei, Deputy Director of Shanghai Library, China
  • Simeon Warner, Deputy Director of the Cornell University Library, USA
  • Zhou Deming, Director-general of Shanghai Society for Library Science, China
  • Tang Yu 'en, China engineering survey and design master, Chief Architect of Institute of Shanghai Architectural Design & Research (Co., Ltd), China
  • XuQiang, Deputy Director of Shanghai Library, China
  • Chris Hardie, Partner/Design Director of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects, Denmark
  • Yan Laiyun, Dean Assistant/Chief Architect Assistant of the Third Institute of Institute of Shanghai Architectural
  • Design &Research (Co., Ltd), China

III. Organizer

This meeting is organized by the Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai), co-organized by the Shanghai Library's Research Base for Culture and Tourism, the Shanghai Society for Library Science and the Shanghai Society for Scientific & Technical Information, with academic support by Library Journal and special support by the Shanghai Branch of CNKI (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

IV. Participation

This meeting adopts "cloud participation", which combines online and onsite discussion and interaction, online conferences and multi-platform live broadcasts. It will be broadcast live online through platforms such as the WeChat video of Shanghai Library and the CNKI, etc.

Please pay attention to the official website and official WeChat of the Shanghai Library for more details of the agenda, live links and other information to be released.

Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai)
Organizing Committee of the 11th Shanghai International Library Forum
October 2022

International Symposium on "Future-oriented Libraries"
and the 11th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF 2022)
First Announcement

To celebrate the test operation of the Shanghai Library East on October 28, 2022, the International Symposium on "Future-oriented Libraries" will be held in this new library building. Taking this opportunity, the 11th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF 2022) will be held in conjunction with this symposium.

With the combination of online and onsite discussion and interaction, online conferences and multi-platform live broadcasts, the conference will invite domestic and foreign professionals in the fields of LIS and architecture to conduct in-depth discussions around the theme of "future-oriented libraries".

The meeting consists of opening and closing ceremonies, keynote speeches, theme forums, round table discussions, etc. The agenda is as follows:

- Morning, October 28: Opening ceremony, keynote speeches

- Afternoon, October 28: "New Generation Library Space Construction and Technology Development" theme forum, "Library Architecture Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" roundtable discussion and closing ceremony

Information on how to participate in the conference, speakers and etc. will be released through the official website of the Shanghai Library, official WeChat and other channels. Please pay attention.

Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai)
Organizing Committee of the 11th Shanghai International Library Forum
September 2022

The 11th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF 2022) to be Held in Conjunction with the International Symposium on "Future-oriented Libraries"

With 20 years of hard work, the Shanghai International Library Forum has developed into an international professional forum, attracting much attention from the domestic and foreign library communities and has far-reaching influence. The 11th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF 2022) is scheduled to be held in 2022.

To celebrate the test operation of the Shanghai Library East, the International Symposium on "Future-oriented Libraries" will be held in this new library building on October 28, 2022,.

Taking this opportunity, the library has decided to combine SILF 2022 with the symposium. For related information, please refer to the "First Announcement for the International Symposium on Future-oriented Libraries and the 11th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF 2022) ".

Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai)
Organizing Committee of the 11th Shanghai International Library Forum
September 2022

Smart Library: Resilient Development & Future Challenge
The 11th Shanghai International Library Forum Call for Papers:
First Announcement

The 11th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF2022) will be held in 2022 at the Shanghai Library. This forum is organized by the Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai), co-organized by the Shanghai Library's Research Base for Culture and Tourism, the Shanghai Society for Library Science and the Shanghai Society for Scientific & Technical Information.

The theme of the forum is "Smart Library: Resilient Development & Future Challenge". The conference will focus on hot issues and topics, development trends, technology application and the latest research achievements related to the theme, and conduct in-depth and extensive academic discussions. Well-known experts and scholars will be invited to present keynote speeches and specific reports. To ensure the academic quality of this forum, scholars of library and information science, and professionals from all fields at home and abroad are invited to submit papers and attend the conference.

I. Topics of the Conference

1. Library sustainable development

Suggestions: library development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period; the role of libraries in realizing the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals; the future of libraries in the post-epidemic era; green libraries construction, etc.

2. New library construction and space renovation

Suggestions: new library construction practices; space renovation and functional reorganization; facilities and equipment update and upgrade, etc.

3. Library integration and development

Suggestions: cross-regional, cross-industry, cross-institutional exchanges and cooperation, etc.

4. Smart Library construction

Suggestions: construction of a new generation of library systems and service platforms; digital humanities and digital academics; new library technology applications, etc.

5. Library reading service innovation

Suggestions: reading promotion innovative practices; special group reading services; all-media reading services, etc.

6. Library resource construction

Suggestions: research, development and utilization of information resources; resource construction in the context of open science; research data management, etc.

II. Paper Submission Guidelines

1. The paper to be submitted must be the original work of the author(s), closely related to the theme of the conference and is not published on any journals at home or abroad, or given as a speech at any conference. The paper does not involve any classified information, there is no plagiarism, and the author takes sole responsibilities for his or her views.

2. The paper contains 5,000 words or less, including an abstract within 300 words. The paper should be reasonable in structure, clear in viewpoint, and concise in writing style.

3. Format:

      The paper should be arranged in the following order: topic, title, author’s name, author’s organization, abstract, keywords, text (sections indicated with numbers, such as 1., 1.1, 1.1.1 ......) and references.
      At the end of the paper, please indicate the author’s contact information (telephone, e-mail, mailing address and zip code)
      The title of the paper, author's name, author’s organization, abstract, and keywords must be in both Chinese and English; keywords should be separated by semicolons
      The format of references should strictly follow the national standard "Rules for content, form and structure of bibliographic references" (GB/T 7714-2015)

4. Submission:
            Choice 1: Email to silf2022@libnet.sh.cn
            Choice 2: Go to the "Library Journal" platform (http://www.libraryjournal.com.cn), and submit via "Author's Online Contribution". Select "The 11th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF2022)" column, and follow the steps to complete submission.

5. Authors agree that the SILF Organizing Committee can revise or edit their papers and disseminate the papers accepted digitally, unless the Organizing Committee is otherwise notified.

6. Deadline for the submission of abstracts: February 12, 2022

7. Deadline for the submission of full papers: March 31, 2022

8. All papers will be reviewed by the duplicate checking system and the forum's Academic Committee. Accepted papers will be included in the officially published electronic conference proceedings. Selected excellent papers will also be recommended to such Chinese core journals as the Library Journal.

III. Secretariat


Ms. Jean JIN (Overseas), Tel: 86-21-64454500 Email: silf2022@libnet.sh.cn, International Cooperation Division, Shanghai Library

Ms. Rui SHU (Domestic), Tel: 86-21-64455309 Email: 467798636@qq.com (not for paper submission), Library and Information Sciences Research Institute, Shanghai Library

Conference website: http://silf.library.sh.cn

Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai)

Organizing Committee of the 11th Shanghai International Library Forum

November 2021